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Text Books

Collections: Student Edition Grade 6

Student Editions include a rich variety of types of complex texts: fiction, literary nonfiction, and a wealth of informational text. Text-dependent questions focus on critical analysis of text. Students engage in close reading and citing specific textual evidence. Performance Tasks for each selection and each Collection provide assessment and prepare students for Common Core performance-based assessments.

Kate’s poem, The Apple of Discord I, appears on pages 331-334

Phonics Through Poetry: Teaching Phonemic Awareness Using Poetry

This book’s 115 read-aloud poems immerse children in particular language sounds again and again, in word after word, within an exciting context. Each poem comes with teaching apparatus comprising word lists using the targeted sound, a “focusing talk” to cement and extend students’ connection to the poem, and an idea for a hands-on activity.

Kate’s poem, Wacky Wednesday, appears on pages 146-147

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